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2025年03月21日 星期五


  • 国标透平油防爆滤油机

  • 品牌:重庆韦孚
  • 规格:TY-F-50
  • 材质:钢材
  • 产地:重庆
  • 破乳化值:15min
  • 更新时间:2018-10-17
  • 联系方式

    18623041455  /  023-68934124

    尤应富 先生(销售经理

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1.      Workingprinciple

When the oil filter machine is working, contaminated oil enters intothe primary filter via the inlet under the effect of pressure difference, wherelarge particles of foreign matters are filtered off. Therefrom the oil isheated and goes into the water separator, where is adopted the technology ofstrengthening hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, which changes the twophase boundary acting forces of oil and water and makes droplets of water inthe oil accelerate and converge into large drops of water, separating from oiland settling in the water collector. Then oil goes into the vacuum separator,where residual trace of water is removed by vacuum flash process and evaporatedmoisture is condensed in the condenser or expelled out by the vacuum system. Thenoil is drawn out by oil pump.Next oil goes into the secondary filter and finefilter, where fine particles of foreign matters are removed, The dewatered oilis drawn out ,the whole purifying process is then completed.

The steam from the vacuum tank would be transferredinto water by two-stage cooling system and get into the water tank. The dry gaswould be pumped out by the vacuum pump. Thus increased the life of the vacuumpump.

1)     Filtration System.

Three stage filtration system. The stainless steelfilter could be re-flushed for thousands of times, to get rid of big quantityand size particles from the oil. The high molecule material filter to make theoil clean.

2)     Heating system.

It contains the heater, temperature control system,over-temperature protecting system and so on. Under the press, the oil get intothe heating tank for heating, the charge of the heating surface is 1.5Kw/c㎡, to make the oil boiling for the evaporationand flowing of next step. The temperature meter controls the temperatureworking steadily. When the machine over heating, the protecting system willshut off the heating system to protect the people and machine safety.

3)      Water separator system.

It contains water separator and water tank. Thespecial material could make the small water to big water and separate from theoil, it could demulsifying, make the oil clean.

4)     Vacuum system

It contains vacuum pump, vacuum tank, cooling system,radiator and so on. In vacuum tank, there is the evaporation cell to separatethe water from the oil and pumped to the cooling system by vacuum pump. Withthe cooling system, the steam changed into water and get into the water tank.

5). Auto control and protecting system

It contains infrared liquid level control system,motor, pressure control system, protecting system and so on.

A.   When the vacuum meter get the setnumber(-0.09Mpa set in our company).

B.    When the temperature meter get the setnumber, the heater stop heating or under heating.

C.   The heating system connect with oil pump,means oil pump working, then heater start heating.

D.   The oil level not get to the control level,also the heater could not start.

E.    The oil-in pump connect with the infrared liquid level controlsystem, when the oil level is upper than the control level, the oil pump stopor it will start.

F.    The pressure meter set number is 0.4Mpa.When the pressure is over the number, the machine would stop working.

6) Cooling system





  • 联系人: 尤应富 先生
  • 位: 销售经理
  • 话: 023-68934124
  • 机: 18623041455
  • 真: 023-68934124
  • 资质公示 重庆韦孚滤油机制造有限公司 地址: 重庆市 大渡口区互助工业园
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色